Ouimette, Goldstein, & Andrews, LLP
Social Security and Workers' Compensation Law Firm for NY
Workers' compensation claims provide injured people with two-thirds of their average weekly wage in benefits to a certain maximum amount calculated each year. Our lawyers can review a schedule of maximum amounts with you. The payments will arrive without tax deductions, and the recipient does not need to pay tax on the compensation when they file for the year. Employees will also have all medical care covered by the program.
Work-related accidents can exist at any employment location. However, the hazards associated with construction sites lead to many work-related accidents. Hazards exist on any construction site, but the large-scale projects performed in New York increase the risk. Workers' compensation construction accidents can include scaffold-related accidents, slips and falls, accidents including heavy equipment, lacerations, other injuries from tools, and much more. Any accident that causes lost time from work or requires medical attention entitles the injured worker to workers' compensation benefits.
Who Qualifies for Benefits?
Anyone employed by a company required to carry workers' compensation for their employees will qualify for benefits when injured on a construction site. Many independent contractors contribute to construction projects.
Why is Having a Workers' Compensation Lawyer Important?
Frequently, construction accidents lead to not only a workers' compensation claim but also a third-party negligence lawsuit. When contacting a construction accident lawyer through our firm, the team may perform an investigation to determine negligence. For example, many construction site incidents occur when property owners do not provide a safe environment or construction companies do not maintain equipment or safety gear. The accident may require a lawsuit to address the negligence of a third party.
Legal advice can also ensure the injured worker files a claim promptly and accurately. It can prevent unnecessary claim denials and stop injured workers from accepting unfair settlements.
How Much are the Benefits?
Workers' compensation claims provide injured people with two-thirds of their average weekly wage in benefits to a certain maximum amount calculated each year. Our lawyers can review a schedule of maximum amounts with you. The payments will arrive without tax deductions, and the recipient does not need to pay tax on the compensation when they file for the year. Employees will also have all medical care covered by the program.
Construction accidents can cause injuries that make it impossible to return to a previous job. New York State offers vocational rehabilitation through agencies such as Access VR. This allows the injured worker to obtain training for another job and continue to support themselves and their families after their injury causes permanent limitations. Training may become unnecessary if the employer has an alternative position for the employee or can modify the existing job.
If the injured worker is earning less money when working at a new job due to the limitations, they may have a claim for additional cash benefits for the reduced earnings.
In instances where third-party negligence prompts a lawsuit, the worker may receive a settlement or judgment. The injured worker must repay any funds paid through workers' compensation with the money they receive from a successful lawsuit. As a construction accident law firm, we consider this and ensure all financial requests or agreements account for this repayment.
"Everyone knew my injury happened at work, but that didn't make getting help any easier. My workers' comp claims were denied and then delayed. I had medical bills rejected. The attorneys at OGA Law were the only ones who made me feel like it would all work out. And it did because of your direction and efforts."
-John A., Crown Heights, NY
A 2021 report from the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) showed a concern with construction site safety in New York. Using 2019 data, the latest available, the report revealed an increase in construction fatalities for the third consecutive year. The number of worker deaths in New York City was 26 percent of the total workplace fatalities, compared to a nationwide 19 percent. The data also showed that 78 percent of the deaths in the state were non-union workers. The findings have led NYCOSH to make multiple recommendations.
Attorney Jaime Adames has worked with our team since 2010. His extensive experience with workers' compensation cases makes him a valued team member. Jaime's calm demeanor benefits clients involved in high-stress disagreements. Jamie is licensed to practice law in New York and New Jersey, is bi-lingual, and is a member of the New York State Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Orange County Bar Association, the Rockland County Bar Association, and the Injured Workers' Bar Association. Jaime spends his free time with his family and dogs and is an avid music, sports, and movie fan.
Our Workers' Compensation law firm offers clients a trained and experienced staff. As professionals working in the disability and compensation fields, our efforts are focused on helping people receive their benefits sooner and with fewer complications. We believe all workers must have access to reliable legal advice regarding their rights after an injury. Our four convenient office locations ensure accessibility for all New York workers.
For over 45 years, the law firm of Ouimette, Goldstein & Andrews, LLP, has defended the rights of injured workers. Everyone should be able to provide for themselves and their families after an injury. Our team has the experience to help you achieve those goals. Every experienced construction accident attorney in our firm can help you understand your rights and answer questions about your claim. We offer free consultations, so schedule an appointment today.
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